When searching for a vacation or even a short time get away, there's lots of talk about "Vacation Packages." These vacation packages are available for almost any popular destination including Florida, Disney and other Entertainment type resorts, cities like Las Vegas, shipboard Caribbean Cruising, Hawaii, and even Europe. Still, what exactly is a vacation package.
There are many types of travel packages available with some handling all the details down to meals and tips. Trip packages can be either basic or comprehensive depending on the offering. Let's look at the most basic packaging with the understanding that some provide a much more comprehensive offer.
Most trip packages include 3 basic items. Travel or airfare to and from the destination, transportation while visiting and the hotel. Just these 3 items however have a wide variety of options that may be offered. Some packaged vacations have transportation to and from the hotel via bus with hotel transportation provided around town. Others simply offer a discounted rental car. The value in these types of vacations is in the convenience, the extras that may be offered, and the pricing.
Pricing of a package is based on time of year and the ability of the travel agency or travel group to obtain discounts. These discounts are offered to increase visitors to the destination. So a hotel, in a slow season may offer discounts of 30-50% or more depending on the days visiting. This is then coupled with a discounted airfare obtained through a consolidator. A consolidator is simply a company that commits to buying a certain number of seats on commercial flights. Due to the bulk purchase, they're able to lower the cost per seat.
The convenience factor shouldn't be ignored however. A vacation package allows you to spend your time planning your vacation instead of trying to find the best price on airline tickets and then the hotel and then the transportation details. A quick look through the package offerings and the major details of your vacation can be completed.
Lastly, travel packages often have a number of discounts or perks included. A Las Vegas hotel may offer a free dinner at their top restaurant. Entertainment destinations may offer souvenirs or extended times to visit. Many all inclusive packages may also offer information and discounts on popular attractions around town when you visit. Cruise ships may offer a welcome picture or other momento.
All in all, a travel package can be a good deal. The savings and convenience factors allow you to spend your time planning to enjoy a vacation instead of worrying about the travel details. Vacation packages can be a great way to save money.